OCD experiences

Tuesday 28 April 2020

From the ocd

From the OCD

Without you, il become weak!

I appear for many reasons and in many peoples minds and I can appear suddenly or when you have become mentally sick such as depression or anxiety. I sit and wait for these moments and before you know it, I'm ain't control of you! 
 That night when you go to bed and you start to close your eyes, I send you images of someone coming to harm you, I make it a strong distressing image that you cant stop or ignore and you will not feel safe.

 You feel fear, and terror, unable to concentrate on anything else other than what's being cushioned in your thoughts. You are afraid, but I'm feeling good, because your believing what I feed you. Even tho you haven't got proof of it to happen to you.
 You start to feel weak and my powers have controlled  your actions and compulsions.

 You cant close your eyes,  you get out the bed to check the windows in belief someone is to the home, yet you know no one is there.
 I'm not allowing you to think positive , how could I ? You have just given in to my demands. You have fed me.

In return, for giving me power, il let you feel safe and relief for checking the windows and doors, but only for a little while! 

Going to try and get to sleep again are you? 
 Oh, no you dont!
  What's that noise? Are you sure you locked the front door? 
 Your again, scared and fear danger and I want you now to go back to the front door, check the lock, check the handles again. 
 Now you have checked, you have fed me my adrenaline and il again let you have a rest and you can go back to bed. But not for long!

   I need feeding again and now this person outside is coming in and to hurt you when your eyes are closed.
 Open the eyes, go back to the window and check the doors and locks. Il make this happen over and over because I'm greedy and want control.

 How are you going to stop me?
How are you going to feel safe again and realise, your feeding me with control and who's going to take the control back?

 How are you going to stop thinking negative and feeling unsafe daily ?

Apart from acting on the compulsions i forced you to do, 
what else have you done to feel safe and stop bad thoughts?
 All this time, I'm questioning you, are you sure the locks and windows are secure?, what's that noise ? 
How comes you never questioned me ??

What if, the reason I had to control you  was because il become weak!

How about asking me this, 
"what is the chances, of someone to come and harm me"?
 What would my response be?
 What evidence have I got?
  Who Else, other than me, told you in the night, that someone is at your home to hurt you?
How many people has this happened to who you know?

If you ask these questions, then I'm going to start fading away, because what evidence do I have? 
 But this is going to be challenging for you because you need to do this often. I wont go easy.

You see, not only are you feeling fear, but me too! I'm in fear if you dont do what I demand. 
 I believe that if you close your eyes, or if you dont check them windows and doors, then I lose control of you and I will become weak, but answer this...What proof do I have myself? Who told me il be weak ?, what makes me believe this if I lose control? 


 Not only are you challenging your mind, but your also challanging mine! I'm wrong, what evidence have I got, who else has told me something bad will happen if I lose control of you and when are you going to start helping us both challange ourselves for me to leave you, with positive thoughts and act in a more healthier way. 

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